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Last Update: 2005-01-21
Zapper modifies the behaviour of the ZipWindow() function in intuition. Instead of resizing the window to the alternate zoom values it will maximize the window full-screen (avoiding the titlebar if there is one). It is also capable of smart-resizing the window (making it bigger) over the currently available empty desktop/screen space (where there are no other windows).

Before... After! The image to the left shows my ambient screen with a few opened windows on it. To the right is the result (with smart-resizing) after pressing the zoom button on the leftmost and rightmost windows.
Date Archive Version Executable
2005.01.21 Zapper 0.10 MorphOS Download Readme
2004.12.21 Zapper 0.9 MorphOS Download Readme
2004.12.21 Zapper 0.7 MorphOS Download Readme
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Q: Hey! It's not posible to resize the window using a keypress. You suck!
A: Actually... If you want to assign a hotkey you can go into your MorphOS System Preferences->IControl and do it. Just set a key-combo for "Active window: Zoom". As zapper patches ZipWindow() everything using that function is affected.
